Below is my presentation on the Digital Divide & Inequality. If the Prezi does not load, you can view the presentation here.
Digital Collaboration
For this assignment, I collaborated with Becca Davis. Our primary communication was through email. I responded to her request for a partner over the blackboard email list. I was able to create the Prezi using my account and invite Becca to edit as well. I like that feature of Prezi because it allowed both of us to add content and make changes without constantly sending the presentation file back and forth. Becca and I divided up the tasks over email and worked on our sections of the Prezi at different times. Prezi has a meeting feature that allows users to edit together in real time, but due to our schedules we did not utilize this during the project.I found collaborating virtually was an effective means of completing the project. We did not have to set up times to meet together and were able to finish the entire assignment without ever meeting or talking face to face. The Prezi program was very helpful in keeping up with individual updates and changes without having to send emails back and forth. We also both were very consistent with completing tasks and answering emails.
It was challenging to find a partner initially since our class does not regularly meet face to face. I was glad that Becca sent out an email requesting a partner. Also, both partners must be clear about what they need to do in order to complete their work without being able to ask questions immediately. Next time I complete a similar assignment, I may explore the Prezi meeting feature for at least one real-time conversation.
Application to My Classroom
From working on this assignment online, I have learned some helpful tools for my own classroom. I think that the tools in a Prezi may be too advanced for some of my elementary students. But, I have used Google presentations and that program allows similar collaboration with a more familiar interface for the students. I like the real-time multi-user editing idea for any group project. It is a great option over meeting face to face if students are computer savvy. With my students, I think it would be critical to teach them certain expectations about digital collaboration, such as maintaining group deadlines, signing on when expected, and responding quickly to messages and emails. Younger students would need more direction in the division of tasks and how to use the online tools, but I think they would enjoy working together in this format.
Digital Inequality
The information that I learned in the course of creating the Prezi was very interesting. Working in a Title 1 school, I am very familiar with the concrete aspects of the digital divide in terms of lacking access and hardware. However, even in our low SES community, there is a surprising amount of technology in the homes of my students. This echos what I read about the closing of the digital divide by increasing access to internet technology. That is why I was very intrigued by this idea of digital inequality. I see the access, but I question how effectively these digital tools such as tablets and smart phones are being used by my students. I had never really consisted the difference between the divide in terms of access alone and inequality in terms of meaningful use of the technologies available.
I think this inequality extends to schools as well, where almost all classrooms have access to computers and internet, but not all students can use them in a way that really enhances their learning. It is important for schools to focus on educating teachers about how to train students to use the internet effectively. Teachers need to go beyond just accessing simple educational gaming websites and publishing writing towards more interactive uses of the internet. Students should be taught to use the internet to learn new information and collaborate with other peers and adults to expand their knowledge. When designing strategies to address the digital divide or inequality, I think schools and governments face a big challenge. People may not be receptive to the idea that they should be using technology in a different way than they are currently. They may feel that it is unfair to assume that they need instruction on how to use internet and smartphone technology. On the other hand, many people do not think it is cost effective or beneficial to distribute laptops or tablets to low SES households or classrooms. They argue that if they are not going to utilize them effectively, why give them the technology at all? It is a very sensitive subject, but any project implemented must go beyond simple access to technology in order to actually have a chance of being effective.
Resources and References for Research and Presentation:
DiMaggio, P. & Hargittai, E. (2001). From the ‘digital divide’ to ‘digital inequality’:
Studying internet use as penetration increases. Working Paper #15. Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies. Retrieved from
Doud, F. (2011). Digital divide versus digial inequality. [Weblog Comment]. Retrieved from
Sayparn, M. (2011). Digital divide vs. digital inequality. [Weblog Comment]. Retrieved
State Library of NC (2012). Statistical report of North Carolina public libraries. Retrieved from
US Census Bureau. (2010). Table 1155. Household internet usage in and outside of the
home by selected characteristics: 2010. Retrieved from
DiMaggio, P. & Hargittai, E. (2001). From the ‘digital divide’ to ‘digital inequality’:
Studying internet use as penetration increases. Working Paper #15. Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies. Retrieved from
Doud, F. (2011). Digital divide versus digial inequality. [Weblog Comment]. Retrieved from
Sayparn, M. (2011). Digital divide vs. digital inequality. [Weblog Comment]. Retrieved
State Library of NC (2012). Statistical report of North Carolina public libraries. Retrieved from
US Census Bureau. (2010). Table 1155. Household internet usage in and outside of the
home by selected characteristics: 2010. Retrieved from
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